Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Shark Tank Books

Books Written by the Sharks on the Shark Tank Show

Books written by the Shark Tank Investors  It really is amazing how reading the "right book's" can change your life forever. I can still remember when I was given my first copy of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, when I was only 14 years old and just won an award for a MLM company I was involved with. When I was walking off the stage, one of the highest ranking associates in the room handed me his copy of the book and simply said "I believe this belongs to you". Not really being much of a reader before that time, I must of read it cover to cover at least a dozen times until the pages started falling out.

Yes, a good book really can change your life even if it's only a single new idea that triggers something in your mind to think a little differently. That one new way of thinking that may be the very road block keeping you from where you "really" want to go. Finding a mentor in the types of books you read can pay huge dividends IF you choose to take their advise and learn what made them successful.

If your a Shark Tank Fan and love learning about the Sharks and what it took them to get to the top in their professions, then what better way too learn then reading their books. Now if your a future contestant on the Shark Tank or have any plans of doing so, then this could also be considered required reading to learn as much about your future business partner(s). It really is in your best interest to learn as much about all the Shark's as you can before going on the Show.Read More Here-->>>

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