How to apply IGAU Recruitment 2013-14 for 128 assistant jobs in Raipur
Indira Gandhi Krishi Agricultural University Invites IGAU Raipur had
published a latest notification 2013-14 for Male and Female Graduates students for
128 Govt jobs 2013-14 in Raipur. Government of Chattisgarh Authorised published
the IGAU Recruitment 2013 Raipur, the total no.of jobs in Indira Gandhi
Agricultural University is 128 vacancies and it is going to fill-up Indian
citizen as various posts such as Assistant Professor job/Scientist job (76 +
36), Technical Assistant job(06+01) , Assistant Librarian job (09). The
complete information about the IGAU Raipur Notification 2013-14 was already prescribed
in the official web address. IGAU is recruiting the candidates
who passed Post Graduation in regards subject of Agriculture/Agricultural
Engineering/ Veterinary faculty and BE/B.Tech and ME/M.Tech in related branch
with First Class or equivalent qualification with at least 55% marks and merit
Academic Background is essential.. Job finders those who are enthusiastic for
128 jobs in IGAU candidates can follow some age limitations Maximum 35 Years as
on the date of 01-july-2013. Age Concession for upper age limit is ST/SC/OBC
and women as per Govt Rules and norms.
Details of IGAU Recruitment 2013-14
The Examination fee for General/Unreserved applicants is Rs.500/-, SC/ST Rs.250/- Bank Demand Draft of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of The Registrar, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur,payable at Raipur within last date. The job hunters will be selected based on written examinations test and personal Interview test. Finally selected applicants Pay Band for Assistant Professor job/Scientist job, Assistant Librarian is Rs.15,600 to 39,100 + 6,000/- and for the post of Technical Assistant job Rs. 9,300 to 34,800 + Rs.4,300/-. Interested and eligible candidates can download the application form through the official website and tag all relevant certificates and documents should be send to the Registrar of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University on or before 15-Nov-2013
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