Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Man Medals

The Man Medals on Shark Tank Season 5

Jame's O'Brian week 2, Episode 505
The Man Medals Featured on
Shark Tank Season 5
Medals For Men Doing Chores - Week 2 - Episode 505
 Have you ever done household chores around the house and like a little recognition for a job well done? Has your wife or girlfriend ever said to you "What, do you want a medal for doing that"? Well James O'Brian's wife asked him just that, and yes, he really did want a medal. James came up with 5 medals in fact, and he's bringing them to the Shark Tank Show in the second week of season 5.
My first impression when I first seen The Man Medals was I'm sure there's a niche market for this product, especially with couples that have been together for a looong time. But is this market big enough to get any of the Sharks to invest in these specialty medals specifically for men?
According to the website there's a total of 6 Man Medals available including I picked up my dirty clothes, I put the toilet seat down, I took the garbage out, I ran the vacuum cleaner, I asked for directions and I put the toilet paper roll on. My second impression was there seems to be some really good medals missing from this list. What about a medal for doing the dishes, one of my least favorite chores?

How about a new medal for doing the laundry or one for the bedroom, that is sure to get a lot of action if ya know what I mean. I would much rather "earn" the bedroom medal than the medal for taking the trash out.
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